Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekending - Yes, it's a verb

Guys! I am a horrible, horrible, horribly rude person. But in my defense, it was on accident. Mostly. There is this boy that I hang out with who is monotone, and while it does not drive me crazy all the time, it definitely drives me crazy some of the time. Well, last night a group of us were playing Phase 10 during the wee hours of the morning, and I looked across the deck of cards at my friend who was making some lengthy explanation of something I had no interest in, and said “Hey, is all your family monotone, or just you? I realize that although I know two of your sisters, I’ve never heard them speak, so I really have no idea. Is it genetic?” The room went silent and all my friends gawked at me as this fellow said “….I’m monotone?” I thought he was joking for a minute, but he wasn’t. In all his 29 years, no one ever mentioned that fact that his voice never changes. He got all reflective and said “Well, it WAS really hard to learn to change my voice when I learned to speak Chinese” (although, if we’re being honest, it’s only the volume that changes when he speaks, not the pitch) “and I’ve never been able to carry a tune… but still. I can’t believe you think I’m monotone! Monotone people are super annoying!!!” I looked at my cards and didn’t say anything for nearly 20 minutes, no kidding. I felt HORRIBLE!!!! And we haven't spoken in over 24 hours.

After 3.5 hours of sleep, I was up making pancakes for the breakfast I was throwing before we taught a recent convert to the church her post-baptism lessons. Once everyone arrived, I looked at my poor, bare table and realized we'd need something more than just pancakes, so you better believe I pulled out my fresh-cut pineapple and kiwis, and even my $1 a piece Oikos greek yogurts (what a hit, I tell you!!!! That John Stamos, he doesn't lie. Best in the world") We did breakfast, taught the lesson, did some paperwork for a meeting we have tomorrow, then just sat around and talked for a while. Then I went back to bed for a few hours of much-needed sleep, and accidentally dreamed about making out with my new Cheyenne friend. Good grief, he is good looking! And young too - only 21. Why am I attracted to younger men?

In the mix of all that somewhere, I also had an argument with my sister and chided myself later for not feeling selfish and guilty about the argument. I'll change my tune by tomorrow, I hope.

I finally struggled to tear myself out of my bed after a few more hours of sleep, and dragged myself to the fairgrounds in Oklahoma City for the International Finals Rodeo. We were seated way on the far end of the arena, behind the stocks. I thought it would be a horrible place to sit... until I realized that all the cowboys were facing away from us, which meant that my friend and I could ooh and aah and check out their backsides all night long without being complete creepers. I have to admit too, despite the smell of cigarette smoke and spittle from chewing tobacco that was reeking off the fellow sitting next to me, and his evident drunken behavior, I had a fantastic time! And for those of you thinking "Ewwww Erica, you checked out nutt-hugging wrangler butts!?" I'd just like to justify that most cowboys are wearing cinch jeans now instead of wranglers, so take that! Ha


  1. Look at you turning into a country girl! Oklahoma is doing some good things for you! ;) make me laugh

  2. You are too funny! I like sitting above the stocks because you are closer to the action. :) Love you!
